Menu Bar Icons

Menu Bar Icons
- Google Drive
- Alfred 2
- CloudApp
- Bowtie
Assassin Blue Assassin White White Apple Retro Apple Blue Apple System default (uninstaller)
Blue Apple Small White Apple Small Retro Apple Small Assassin Assassin Blue IC3D Edition System Default
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Could your mod harm my Mac?
Everything the mod does is basically swapping out images... that's it! So there should be no physical harm to your Mac. But be aware you are swapping system files, BACK UP first!
I installed the mod correctly but my mac seams to be slower while booting up?
Go to the System Preferences > Startup Disk and make sure that your OS X partition is highlighted.
Still not fixed? Open up Disk Utility select your HHD/SSD (where your OSX is installed) and Repair Disk Permimsions! This should fix your problem.
Some of my menu bar icons are still black?
I can't provide every menu bar icon for every app out there... If you got an app you'd like to be modified so it works with the menu bar please use the contact form above to send a request for your app... (Please keep in mind i can only edit free or paid with free trial apps...)
I changed all files from the .zip menu bar is still gray but the letters are white now?
Go to System Preferences > Desktop & Screensaver > un-check Tanslucent menu bar.
I changed all files and unchecked Translucent menu bar but my clock is still black?
Here you've got two options, 1. you go down the free road and download MagiCal or 2. you spend some money on iStatsMenus with much more options.
How can i change my Dock to black in Mavericks?
The only working thing i found to edit it to whatever color you like is a neat little program called DockMod.